2009年4月20日 星期一

Jackie Chan

For a person in his status, he should think more before making such a comment.
If he really cannot hold it back, he should speak more explicitly and clearly.

Or he should be making any comments on politics. He just needs to concentrate on what he does best.

2009年4月15日 星期三

Smog test passed

M3 passed the test today.

No need to spend money.

2009年4月13日 星期一


大妹 如良的終身大事 將於這週末舉行


2009年4月10日 星期五

Smog check failed...

My 2003 M3 with 50K miles failed one of the categories. (HC-hydrocarbo means incomplete burned oil)

The dealership said, checking -$175 , fixing depends on the parts varying from $500 to $2000.

Post the question into M3 forum, people kindly replied my post and made the suggestions,

1. buy fuel injection cleaner ($12 chevron techron) and use it. NOT to buy the cheap ones.
2. drive the car for 20 mintues before going to the check station. (not sure how this can help; i suppose other people had the practical experience)

My own conclusion,
3. dont buy a performance car next time.

Work assignemnts

Does the economy really recovers?

It seems that we have a lot of projects coming this year.
In addition to the ones we have, there will be 9 more coming.

It is going to be a busy year...


亨利 在快兩個月成長真多
聽亨利媽說他很會說話了 從早到晚講不停...
